Binomial cube

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Binomial cube




A box containing eight wooden blocks:
One red cube
One blue cube
Three red and black rectangular prisms
Three blue and black rectangular prisms


Algebraic expression; (a b) = (a 3ab 3ab b)

This is an individual exercise (Note: work cycle to be observed)


  1. The Directress shows the child how to carry the box to the table. She sits besides the child, open up the box and lays out the blocks in the following pattern that will make it easy  for rebuilding the cube in two layers.
  2. The Directress then shows the child how to rebuild the cube. The colors printed on the lid act as a guide.

Control Of Error

The color codes.
The cube can not be built if incorrectly assembled.

Points Of Interest

At this sensorial stage, the child is not given the plan.


  • Provide the child with tangible experience of the way in which the cube can be divided and sub-divided.
  • Lay the foundations for the later study of algebra.

