Cards in sequence

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  1. Cards 1 to 9 in green, 10 to 90 in blue, 100 to 900 in red, 1000 to 9000 in green.
  2. Floor mat.



  1. Directress encourages the child to count after her as she lays out the cards in sequence, starting with 1, 2, 3 and so on.
  2. When she reaches 9, she asks "What comes after 9?" and she lays out 10, 20, 30,... on a new row to the left of the unit row, as she counts "ten, 2 tens, 3 tens,... 9 tens. What comes after 9 tens?", asks the Directress. "1 hundred, 2 hundred,..., 9 hundred, 1 thousand, 2 thousand,..., 9 thousand".
  3. The cards are finally laid out on the mat.

Control Of Error

Directress guided.

Points Of Interest


  • To familiarize the child with the sequence of numbers up to 9000.

