Sound table

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  • Sound table: an atractive table with three chairs around it, one for the directress, one for the child who is receiving the lesson, and one for the child who is waiting.
  • Sandpaper letters placed on a shelf near by.
  • Object boxes: boxes that contain small objects that begin with the same sound as the letter presented.
  • Small picture books are also on the shelf near by.
  • Sand tray or coffee tray (white round tray with coffee in it for the child to trace the letters in).
  • Blank blak 9 in circles.
  • White charcoal pencils for contrast on black paper. (Cut to fit the size of the child's hand).
  • Small white pieces of paper.
  • Black and red marking pens.
  • Movable Alphabet tray.
  • Sound books.
  • Activity to keep the child waiting busy.
  • Colorful and interesting stickers.


Present Sound book to child. Child gets to choose their own Sound Book: directress writes the child's name on it. The child chooses a sticker to make the book more special and their own.

Child sits on the right of the directress.

Explain to child that each page has a letter on it.

Teach the letters in the following sequence:

1. a   m   b   t

2. c    f    n   e

3. p   w   l    g

4. i    k   d   o

5. x   u   s   h

6. j    r   q   v

7. y   z

Child is ready for blending after he knows a group.


  1. Have the child bring his Sound Book to the Sound Table.
  2. Child proceeds to tell the sound that the letter makes, as he goes through his Sound Book page by page.
  3. When a child comes to aletter he does not know, place the corresponding sandpaper letter out in front of him lying flat on the Sound table. Note: Present 2 letters during presentation.
  4. Directress says, "This is the letter 'b'; it says 'b'."
  5. Directress traces letters first with dominant hand, saying sound (using index and middle fingers to trace). Be precise in tracing the letter and saying the sound.
  6. She traces with other hand and says sound.
  7. Child traces letter and says sound just as directress did, using both hands.
  8. Directress places corresponding Object Box on table.
  9. "Here are some objects that begin with the same sound as 'b'."
  10. Go through the objects with the child letting him touch and verbalize if he wants to.
  11. Emphasize letter sound. Encourage child to say them with you.
  12. Replace objects in box and put Object Box out of child's sight.
  13. Place picture Bok with corresponding letter on table.
  14. "Now, we are going to look at pictures that start with the sound 'b'."
  15. Show and name each picture emphasizing sound. Encourage child to also say pictures.
  16. Remove picture book.
  17. Place coffee tray on table.
  18. Directress traces letter in Coffee tray using middle finger only, of one hand; retraces with the other hand in same manner.
  19. Have child trace over the letter you traced. He traces with both hands using middle finger only. (For a very small child ask him to follow the road in the coffee).
  20. Shake tray and have child trace letter using one hand to make letter; then retrace on top with other hand. (Child should trace with dominant hand first and then sub-dominant hand).
  21. Introduce the second letter following the same procedure.
  22. Put everything away and take out the two Sandpaper letters presented.
  23. Do a "Three Period Lesson", on the letters just learned, using those Sandpaper letters.
  24. Say to child, "This is 'b', and this is 'c'." "Show me 'c'." "Show me 'b'." "Very good! Close your eyes!". Mix them. "Show me 'b'." "Show me 'c'.". "Very nice!".
  25. Continue the above steps until you think child has it. Then proceed with the "Third Period".
  26. "What is this?" "What is this? Very good!".
  27. Take white or black paper and record child's name and letters presented on paper if child is unable to do so. Offer child a sticker to put on his paper. Child puts paper in folder to take home.
  28. Record in child's Sound Book progress in sounds.
  29. Have child put Sound Book away.
  30. After child knows enough sounds, begin blending. 

Control Of Error

Points Of Interest

Gauge the lenght of the initial presentation of the sound to the interest of the child. Some children may only want to trace the letter on the Sandpaper letter, and others may want to continue further.
Before learning two new sounds, always review those learned in Sound Book.


  • To develop auditory perception of sounds of specific written symbols.To deveop visual and tactile perception of letters.
  • To prepare for writing and reading.
  • To develop visual memory.
  • To teach the children the name and the sounds of the phonograms in a fun way.


Compare and match Movable alphabet to Sandpaper letters.

